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Certificate of Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI) in Several Level of Education and Common Society to Improve The Spirit of Nationalism

Some people said that the most important in using a language is the one who talks with us can understand the information we share although we do not use a good and right languages in grammar. The impact is the using of Indonesian language that is suitable to principles of Indonesian is getting ignored. This condition is very apprehensive about (Rusyana, 1984:79). That is the real situation in Indonesia right now. Day to day, society’s ability to speak in Indonesian language becomes worse and worse. It makes the spirit of nationalism faded. Speaking in Indonesian language well and correctly means poeple using Indonesian language in the right place and the right moment appropiate to the principles that are published from the government. So, how to return the spirit of nationalism up by using Indonesian language without make it more difficult for the system of society languages?Basicly, Indonesian language has two main characteristics. First, possesively construction that is an ability of the language to show an ownership sense of the speaker. Second, reflecting the identity that is the language can reflect the identity related to attitude, beauty talk, and so on. By both characteristics, Indonesian language is able to grow a strongly spirit of nationalism. In a fact, since long time ago, Indonesian language can make many islands of this country united.
Beside that, the using of Indonesian language is supported by UU Nomor 24 Tahun 2009 that regulates about Indonesian language. All of the government’s policies are written there. But, many kinds of disfuncton of Indonesian language in society make those become nothing such as the using of English as the medium of instruction in international standart school, the using of another letter in public environment, trend of using Indolish (Indonesian-English) in youth society as well as funky language, and foreign language that internalizes Indonesian language by imported product, art, tourism, and technology sector has decreased the system of Indonesian language. That is why, a solution to make society speak in Indonesian language well and correctly is really needed.
The writer offers a solution that is make the certificate of Uji Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI) as a requirements of passing and to register of a certain education level. UKBI is an instrument to measure the society’s proficiency in using Indonesian language. This definition is suitable to Surat Keputusan Mendiknas Nomor 152/U/2003 on 28 Oktober 2003. The aspects that are tested in UKBI are listening, responding to the principles of Indonesian language, reading, writing, and speaking. By UKBI as a requirements of passing and to register of a certain education level as well as publised in common, society are accessible to determine how far they are expert in Indonesian language.
The implementation of UKBI in several level of education and common society to improve the spirit of nationalism is possible to do. The most important is a cooperation between the government and society to build and introduce UKBI in order to improve the spirit of Indonesian nationalism.

Keywords: Indonesian Language, Nationalism, UU No 24 Tahun 2009, Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI)

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